
E.N.C.O.R.E. Reconditioned Used Pianos

It is our promise to you.

  • Evaluated carefully
  • No structural failures
  • Cleaned thoroughly
  • Optimized tone
  • Regulated Action
  • Ensured Value

Used Piano Buyer's Guide

Evaluated Carefully
No structural Failures

We're very picky

Finding really good used pianos is a full time job and there are far more bad pianos out there than there are good ones. We disqualify pianos that show structural failures in major components like the soundboard, bridges and pin-block. Yes, sometimes pianos can still perform with slight failures like this, but the risk of total loss is much higher. We would never buy a piano that is already failing, so we certainly will not sell one to you. 

Used Piano Buyer's Guide

Cleaned thoroughly

Yuck! What is that?

You would be surprised (and probably a little grossed out) by some of the things found in used pianos. Dust, coins, toys, and pencils are of no great consequence, but mites, rodents, moths, and the things they leave behind certainly are! We know what to look out for and refuse pianos that have been exposed to more unseemly elements. We start with carefully selected, well cared for pianos. Then we blow the dust out from under the strings and out of the felts with a pressure hose; we vacuum under the action, disinfect the keys, and polish the cabinet, all to make sure you receive a very clean piano in your home. 

Used Piano Buyer's Guide

optimized tone

Steinway Trained Technical Staff

Our technical staff take pride in their work and want to make sure every piano that comes through Artist Pianos is playing its very best. As a piano is played, the hammers take on grooves where they impact the strings. Our techs reshape and smooth the hammers so that all the notes sing with with an even, beautiful tone. The pianos are tuned, of course, and small tonal adjustments like string spacing and seating the strings on the bridges are completed as needed. 

Used Piano Buyer's Guide

Regulate the action

Fine Adjustments Make a Big Difference

Action regulation is a realignment and recalibrating of all the fine moving parts in the keyboard mechanism. It is time consuming, but when an action is in proper alignment, all the keys respond properly and evenly. Notes do not double-strike or skip; they play the way the pianist intends. This is essential for accurately reproducing proper technique and we make sure every ENCORE RECONDITIONED PIANO is ready to help students succeed or advanced players remain inspired.  

Used Piano Buyer's Guide

Ensure Value

10-year Full Value Upgrade Guarantee

Because we only sell top-quality used pianos that have gone through the ENCORE process, we feel confident that our pre-owned pianos will continue to serve for many years. That is why we back every ENCORE piano with a 10-Year Full Value Upgrade Guarantee which simply states: If within 10 years of purchasing your ENCORE used piano you decide to upgrade to a piano that is priced at least twice the price of your first piano, we will give you a trade-in credit equal to 100% OF YOUR FIRST PIANO'S PURCHASE PRICE. In other words, your ENCORE piano will not depreciate as a trade-in for 10 years.

Used Piano Buyer's Guide



or anytime by appointment


(518) 783-1695


(315) 446-5660

E.N.C.O.R.E. used pianos

   When it comes to used and pre-owned pianos, our primary focus is not on the cabinets, keys, strings, or any of their parts and components: our focus is on the player. We never want to sell a piano that will in any way prevent a student from being successful in learning how to play. That is why we developed the ENCORE process.



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Steinway & Sons ENCORE Reconditioned
2019 Model O PE
5'10" Grand
$64,990 or finance from $895/mo
Steinway & Sons ENCORE Reconditioned
2008 Figured Sapele M
5'7" Grand
$62,990 or finance from $868/mo
Steinway & Sons ENCORE Reconditioned
1967 model B
7' Grand
$39,990 or finance from $551/mo
Steinway & Sons ENCORE Reconditioned
1995 M Satin Ebony
5'7" Grand
$39,990 or finance from $551/mo
Yamaha ENCORE Reconditioned
2022 GC-2 Polished Ebony
5'8" Grand
$18,490 or finance from $255/mo
Baldwin ENCORE Reconditioned
1959 SD-6 Satin Ebony
9' Grand
$14,990 or finance from $207/mo
Young Chang ENCORE Reconditioned
1990 GS-175 Polished Ebony
5'9" Grand
$6,990 or finance from $97/mo
Samick ENCORE Reconditioned
2001 SG50 Ebony Polish
5' Grand
$5,490 or finance from $76/mo
Weber ENCORE Reconditioned
1994 WG50 Ebony Polish
4'11" Grand
$5,290 or finance from $73/mo
Hyundai by Samick ENCORE Reconditioned
1993 U837 Polished Ebony
51" Upright
$3,490 or finance from $50/mo
Yamaha ENCORE Reconditioned
2001 P-22 BAO
45" Upright
$3,490 or finance from $50/mo
Yamaha ENCORE Reconditioned
2003 M450 Cherry
44" Upright
$3,490 or finance from $50/mo
Baldwin ENCORE Reconditioned
1982 Hamilton in Walnut
45" Upright
$2,290 or finance from $50/mo
Baldwin ENCORE Reconditioned
1986 Cherry Model 2026
43" Upright
$1,790 or finance from $50/mo

for Beginners

The Perfect
Starter Piano

Rent to Own

The "Free" Piano

hidden costs

Piano Buyers Guide

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used piano buyer guide

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Guide for Parents

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"Start your piano-buying journey at Artist Pianos. You'll be sure to save yourself time, money, and frustration and get a great piano in the end."




download the used piano buyer's guide

What they never tell you about used pianos.

We want you to buy a great piano, even it if it is not from us. Do you know how to estimate a used piano's value so you don't pay a premium for the worst years of a piano's life? Or how long a piano usually lasts? What wears out on a piano? If you feel like you do not know enough about pianos to make an educated decision, download the USED PIANO BUYER'S GUIDE below. 

Contact Us

664 New Loudon Road
Latham, NY 12110
(518) 783-1695(518) 783-1695

Latham Directions

5780 Celi Drive
East Syracuse NY 13057
(315) 446-5660(315) 446-5660

Syracuse Directions


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